Safeguarding Policy
Health and Safety Policy
Risk Assessment
Covid-19 Safety Protocol
Creating a Safe Environment
Cleaning of all machinery, equipment, surfaces and all touch points before each session.
Parents and staff wait outside the building with socially distanced queuing.
Staff to wear visors or masks.
Wearing of masks for students compulsory for ages 11+ - unless exempt.
Hand sanitisation on arrival.
New teaching methods to reduce close contact time, including group demonstrations.
Monitored lavatory visits, ensuring safe distance
Drying with paper towels only in bathrooms.
20 second hand washing to be observed at all times.
All tuition and fabric payments online only. No cash.
Temperatures of the students will be checked before each class.
NHS Track and Trace QR on the door for external visitors.
This protocol will be updated regularly to be inline with government advice.