I approached Primark in early summer. I’ve always felt uncomfortable about taking public money through grants and wanted to go directly to see if the fashion business would help instead. We teach kids how to connect with their own wardrobes, realising there are other alternatives to buying new.
Primark’s influence is massive over the regular teen & I wanted to tap into that. The Fashion School Community Interest Company will run a pilot workshop with them in their Shepherd’s Bush Westfield store on Friday October 29th during half term, come down and see what you think. We’re inviting younger customers to prolong the life of their clothes by bringing something along they no longer wear. (Hoodie, sweatshirt, denim etc.)
I wanted to involve ALL teenagers not just the lucky few & do it in a familiar environment they felt comfortable in and with their mates. Primark totally agreed. There is to be NO BUYING around these collaborative workshops. Also no sewing. Just lots of can do and fun. Oh, in case you wondered, Primark aren’t paying us a big fat fee, just covering the costs. I hate fast fashion, I think this is a way forward to really get teenagers to engage in alternatives to buying.
We can all dream of a high street of artisan shops but how does that help an excluded teenager with no money in their pocket feel even more forgotten? Primark are committed to the high street and they’ve already started really great repair workshops initiated by a customer who contacted them - now they’re running across the country teaching their customers life long skills.
We need to work together, not entrench ourselves in stubborn beliefs and I want ALL kids to have pride in buying less and bringing sustainable personal identity into what they wear. I see Primark changing from simply a fashion store but to an entire experience centre enabling their local community through constructive sustainable events in the future.
If you fancy coming along or know someone who’d enjoy this then book via this link below :
We’d love to see you there!